Extensions Momentum-umshare聯合分享網

[:en]Momentum:A replace new tab page Extensions with Google Chrome[:zh]讓Chrome瀏覽器變得更強大,新分頁更精彩[:]

[:en]Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring todo, weather, and inspiration.

New Tab page gives you a moment of calm and inspires you to be more productive. Set a daily focus, track your to dos, and get inspired with a daily photo and quote. Eliminate distractions and beat procrastination with a reminder of your focus for the day on every new tab load. Join over 1 million users and get inspired to create the life you want to live.

☆☆☆ Featured by Tim Ferris, BuzzFeed, TheNextWeb, Lifehacker, Reddit, Product Hunt, TheDailyMuse! ☆☆☆

• To do list
• Weather
• Set a daily goal/focus/intention
• New inspirational photo and quote each day
• Subtle custom links and search
• Return to default Chrome Tab from Links
• Customize the dashboard by showing/hiding widgets
• Feel good and get things done!

Google Chrome webstore

  • https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/momentum/laookkfknpbbblfpciffpaejjkokdgca?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog


這款插件有一個待辦事項,可以讓你在新分頁都能提醒你。Extensions Momentum-umshare聯合分享網

我們可以從圖片看到,每個角落都有特定的功能,例如左上角就是Links和搜索,Links裡面就是Chrome App快捷方式或新分頁快捷方式,搜索可以選擇Google或者其他。     右上角是天氣,位置需要雙Click然後鍵入你的位置,雙擊數字就可以切換顯示的是攝氏度或者是華氏度。


大家可以到Google Chome Webstore安裝這款插件

  • https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/momentum/laookkfknpbbblfpciffpaejjkokdgca?utm_source=chrome-app-launcher-info-dialog
